{ "type": "termsbox", "name": "Termsbox", "limit": 1, "settings": [ { "id": "prelink_text", "type": "text", "label": "Text before the link to the terms", "default": "I have read" }, { "id": "link_text", "type": "text", "label": "The link text of the terms", "default": "Terms and Conditions" }, { "id": "postlink_text", "type": "text", "label": "Text after the link to the terms", "default": " and agree" }, { "id": "terms_page", "type": "page", "label": "Terms and Conditions page" }, { "type": "range", "id": "checkbox_scale", "min": 1, "max": 3, "step": 0.1, "label": "Checkbox size", "default": 1.2 }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "mandatory", "label": "Customer must check the checkbox to checkout", "default": true }, { "id": "internal_label", "type": "text", "label": "Internal label that will be shown in the order's Additional Details", "default": "Customer agreed to terms" } ] },

Votre sac est vide, réparons ça.